
Introducing the New Sync Management Tool in Your Admin Panel

By Ryan Cramer | Updated November 15, 2016

» Introducing the New “Sync Management Tool” in your Admin Panel

If you make your catalogs, labels, and metadata available on buyer sites, network sites, sub-publisher sites, or any other SourceAudio site that aggregates your music alongside other publishers — as the majority of SourceAudio users do — this new tool is for you. A frequent requirement of SourceAudio’s syncing capabilities is the need to take down music from specific sites, and to do so quickly. The new “Sync Management Tool” allows you to disable the visibility of your music on a site-by-site basis without relying upon us to handle it for you.


» Where Is It and How Does It Work?

In your Admin Panel go to the left “Buyers & Requests” tab. Then, click on the “Syncing” tab to the far right. Once you’re here you’ll see your catalogs listed in the left panel. Drill down from left to right to display your labels and the sites they appear on. Use the checkboxes listed next to each site in the far right panel to remove a specific label from that specific site. When a label is synced to a site any new music you add to it will instantly appear on that receiving site. Same with labels — any new label you add to a synced catalog will instantly appear on the receiving sites it is synced to. To remove new labels from any site just use the syncing tool to uncheck the box(es) of the sites you wish to remove it from and you’re set. New catalogs will not be automatically synced to any sites — please contact us to set up new catalogs and syncs for you.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Dan Korobkin at dan@sourceaudio.com anytime.

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